Section: Dissemination


The Triskell team bears the bulk of the teaching on Software Engineering at the University of Rennes 1 and at INSA Rennes, at the levels M1 (Project Management, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with UML, Design Patterns, Component Architectures and Frameworks, Validation & Verification, Human-Computer Interaction) and M2 (Model driven Engineering, Aspect-Oriented Software Development, Software Product Lines, Component Based Software Development, Validation & Verification etc.).

Each of Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Noël Plouzeau, Olivier Barais, Benoit Combemale, Johann Bourcier and Arnaud Blouin teaches about 200h in these domains, with Benoit Baudry teaching about 50h, for a grand total of about 1400 hours, including several courses at ENSTB, Supelec and ENSAI Rennes.

Olivier Barais is the overall responsible for the Master2 Pro in Computer Science at the University of Rennes.

Benoit Combemale has published and presented an article on teaching MDE at the 7th international Educators' Symposium at MODELS 2011 (the international symposium about software modeling in education) [43] . In this work, we report our experience on the dissemination in education of the research results in MDE. Benoit Combemale will be also co-chair of the 8th Educators' Symposium at MODELS 2012.

Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Benoit Combemale, and Didier Vojtisek have disseminated from research to teaching their experience in MDE by writing a book in french published by Ellipses [48] .

The Triskell team also receives several Master and summer trainees every year.

PhD & HdR:

  • PhD: Mickael Clavreul, Composition of models and meta-models: Separation of correspondences and interpretations for unifying existing model composition approaches, Université Rennes1, 12/05/11, J.-M. Jézéquel and Olivier Barais [13]

  • PhD: Maha Driss, Approche multi-perspective centrée exigences de composition de services Web, Université Rennes1 and Université de Sfax, 12/08/11, J.-M. Jézéquel [14]

  • PhD: Grégory Nain, EnTiMid: a component model to integrate smart devices in service based applications, Université Rennes1, 12/07/11, J.-M. Jézéquel and Olivier Barais [15]

  • PhD: Mariano Belaunde, Le Développement Agile de Services de Télécommunication Intégrés via des techniques d'ingénierie des modèles, Université Rennes1, 20/01/11, J.-M. Jézéquel [12]

  • PhD in progress: Olivier Bendavid, Security for Future Internet, October 2010, Benoit Baudry and J.-M. Jézéquel

  • PhD in progress: Slim Benhassem, Dynamic adaptation of multimodal interactions in the context of ubiquitous environments, December 2008, J.-M. Jézéquel and Arnaud Blouin

  • PhD in progress: Juan-Jose Cadavid Gomez, Assisting Metamodeling with Search Based Techniques, 10/02/09, Benoit Baudry and J.-M. Jézéquel

  • PhD in progress: Stephen Creff, Une variabilité multidimensionnelle pour une évolution incrémentale des lignes de produits dirigées par les Modèles, May 2009, J.-M. Jézéquel

  • PhD in progress: Erwan Daubert, Adaptation environmentale de services sur des plates-formes distribuées large échelle, November 2009, Olivier Barais

  • PhD in progress: Joao Bosco Ferreira-Filho, Variability Management in Model-driven Software and System Engineering, October 2011, Benoit Baudry and Olivier Barais

  • PhD in progress: François Fouquet, Un modèle pour les systèmes distribués dynamiquement adaptables, October 2009, J.-M. Jézéquel and Noël Plouzeau

  • PhD in progress: Clément Guy, Generic Definition of Domain Specific Analysis using Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), October 2010, J.-M. Jézéquel and Benoit Combemale

  • PhD in progress: Aymeric Hervieu, Génération de test sur les lignes de produits logicielles, October 2010, Benoit Baudry

  • PhD in progress: Paul Istoan, Methodology for the derivation of product behavior in a Software Product Line, November 2009, J.-M. Jézéquel

  • PhD in progress: Tam Le Nhan, Model-Driven Software Engineering for Cloud Computing, October 2010, J.-M. Jézéquel and Gerson Sunyé

  • PhD in progress: Jonathan Marchand, Engineering Semantics in Modeling Languages, October 2011, Benoit Baudry and Benoit Combemale

  • PhD in progress: Antonio Mattos, Synthesis of Service-oriented Architectures by Model Transformation , December 2011, Noël Plouzeau and Olivier Barais

  • PhD in progress: Viet Hoa Nguyen, Evaluation of Stochastic Properties of Dynamic Component Based Systems, December 2009, J.-M. Jézéquel and Noël Plouzeau

  • PhD in progress: Suresh Pillay, Validating Web Service Composition, October 2011, Benoit Baudry and Benoit Combemale

  • PhD in progress: Julien Richard-Foy, A DSL Factory for Modular Web Components, October 2011, J.-M. Jézéquel and Olivier Barais

  • PhD in progress: Emmanuelle Rouillé, Intentional-Driven Development Process, October 2010, J.-M. Jézéquel and Benoit Combemale

  • PhD in progress: Hamza Samih, Extension du model-based testing pour la prise en compre de la variabilité et la sécurité dans les systèmes complexes, November 2011, Benoit Baudry

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Sannier, Ingénierie des modèles pour la gestion des référentiels d'exigences de süreté pour les systèmes de contrôle-commande, October 2010, Benoit Baudry